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Update: November 19,2008

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I want to thank everyone who has kept comming onto this site to honor James' memory and I want to personally welcome everyone who is new here.If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


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Life Licence

As I've posted recently on this board, about three or four weeks ago, i was re-introduced to this horrible crime. It tore me apart this time I was a wreck. I've since been doing as much digging as possible on the plight of V&T. I guess its all been an attempt to get the gut renching feeling out of my stomach. I really want to know that these two evil things are on a leash.
Do any of you know the details of their "Life Licence" are they being monitored 24-7? do they have to report to the police on a regular basis? are they restricted from moving (relocating) without getting permission etc.
Do they have to report and get permission for other activities they partake in?
Im just curious if any of you know what their conditions of release were/are.

It has given me a certain amount of comfort to think that they are being monitored 24-7 and that every move they make they are being watched by the police/government etc. I hope that's the case!!!!

If anyone has specifics on the terms of their Life Licence please enlighten me and the other members of the board.


Re: Life Licence

Yeah, i think they would be monitored each day. I've read that they see a psychologist each week, and if they have children they will go on child protection services. They're not allowed to tell anyone who they were not even if they get married, so they have been given false information to give to friends and family. They would defiantly have to report to the police if they were to move houses or go on a holiday. and they are def not allowed into liverpool

Re: Life Licence

i'm afraid it is wishful thinking to think they are monitored 24/7, due to an injunction in england and wales it is not possible to give details, imagine your worst fears about one of them. there is no injunction in scotland or northern ireland so emails sent from there would be legal disclosing terrible details, you must know what britain is like - what we've come to, britain rewards criminals, it's a joke, besides how can you possibly monitor them 24/7?. i'm not sure this site should focus on them too much, remember one of them was tracked down by James's mother. With the new centre for bullied kids james's death won't be in vain, though the freedoms afforded to the killers is very worrying to me, lepards don't change their spots, those two were evil oppertunists, once an oppertunist always an oppertunist, thompson being the worst in my eyes.

Re: Life Licence

Here is a great explanation on the conditions of a life licence and in particular Jon Venables terms:

Lifers released under supervision for life
Killers released from life sentences are officially on licence for the remainder of their lives and can be recalled at any point if they reoffend or are deemed a risk to the public.

By Tom Whitehead, Home Affairs Editor
Published: 7:45AM GMT 04 Mar 2010

After release they are subject to varying degrees of supervision depending on the risk they pose and the length of time they have been back in the community.
All will be subject to seven general conditions, including no reoffending, behaving appropriately, keeping in touch with a supervisor, remaining at an accepted address, and no travel outside the UK without prior permission.

Any behaviour that raises concern with a probation officer, such as heavy drinking whether alcohol was an issue in the original offence, can also lead to a recall.

Specific conditions can then be added in individual circumstances. In the case of Jon Venables they included a ban on entering Merseyside, not to approach Robert Thompson and not to approach the Bulger family.
Lifers will initially have a meeting with their probation officer at least once a week and that requirement will remain in place for as long as is deemed necessary, and should last around an hour.
In practice the once a week meeting tends to become once a month well within a year of release and meetings can often be as short as 20 minutes, probation sources said.

Venables is an exceptional case and would provide additional issues because he is subject of a lifetime anonymity order.

Only a handful of officials will know his new identity and his supervision will be tighter because as well as monitoring his behaviour and compliance they must also be aware of any circumstances that may lead to his identity being revealed.

Lifers are risked assessed under what is called Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), a panel that is made up of appropriate agencies such as probation, police, social services and health.
There are three levels of risk assessment and that will dictate the level of supervision.

If someone breaches their conditions of release there are two types of recall.

An emergency recall will happen within two hours where a serious offence has been committed or behaviour is such that the individual is a risk to the public.
A standard recall is supposed to occur within 24 hours of a breach.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: "Within MAPPA, the police, prison and probation services work together to assess and manage the risks presented by the most serious sexual and violent offenders. In this way, the safety of victims and the general public is in no way compromised by a change of identity."

original article here: