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Update: November 19,2008

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Venables back in prison?

found this news story today:

Jon Venables, One of Jamie Bulger's Killers, Reportedly Sent Back to Jail for Drug Use and Violence

Jon Venables was sent back to prison yesterday after breaching the terms of his release, which have now been revealed by the Daily Telegraph to be a serious drug habit and use of violence.

The Daily Mail reports that despite rumors that Jon Venables might have been sent back to prison for this drug use and violence, Gordon Brown won't say either way. The Daily Mail also cites an incident where Jon Venables reportedly attacked a male work colleague.

Jon Venables, Jamie Bulger's Killer, Back to Prison
Jon Venables, now 27-years-old, was only 10 when he and Robert Thompson snatched and bludgeoned to death two-year-old James Bulger, but both boys, now men, only served about eight years behind bars for the crime before being released with new identities.

Jon Venables: a History of Violence

Aside from the horrific murder of Jamie Bulger, the Telegraph reports that Venables has had some brushes with police since being released.

Jon Venables reportedly had two run-ins with police before being taken back to prison, and he has had trouble being able to control his temper since being released from prison. He has developed a serious drug problem and was caught by police snorting cocaine in an alleyway on one occasion and being involved in a fight outside a nightclub on another occasion.

According to the Telegraph, he is known to attend music festivals and night clubswhile using cocaine and ecstasy.

Will Jon Venables Stay Behind Bars?

At this point, the answer to that question is unknown.

The conditions of the boys' release from prison included that they never contact each other or the family of Jamie Bulger, or indulge in any change of behavior that could put the public or themselves at risk.

The Ministry of Justice has refused to comment on the recent disclosures.

Ralph Bulger, Jamie's Father is outraged by the protection given to Jon Venables and says that now he has broken his terms of release he should have all his human rights revoked:

"From day one everything has been done to protect the human rights of Venables. He was given a second chance, unlike my son, but he has blown it and now he deserves for those same human rights to be revoked and for the Government to reveal all.

"My biggest fear now is whether another child has been killled and another family is going through the hell we live with every day."

Here is a link to the story which is dated March 4 2010:

Re: Venables back in prison?

wow! apparently Denise has also commented on this on her twitter page!! I hope this leads to a full disclosure of his identity and that justice is finally served!!!!!!!!!!

You can find more details at this link:

Re: Venables back in prison?

From what i've read so far i still believe Thompson to be more dangerous currently to the public. we must not lose sight of the threat posed by Thompson who is being overshadowed at the moment by Venables, however the fact that Venables is visiting Liverpool, alledgedly, and taking drugs and drink must be a cause for great concern to James's family as they live nearby. i don't think James's spirit will rest until both are sent to Broadmoor mental unit for life. it is important no more innocent people are attacked by the pair and if the politicians, the justice office and probation can't or won't see sense then Thompson should be exposed for his behavoiur since 2001 also, both killed James - expose both, to protect the public and tax-payers who fund them. It's not to embarrass the government of the day, this is about public safety and justice, the whole thing makes me seethe, to hear politicians, lawyers and news reports that Thompson must be behaving himself as there's been no reports of him breaking his licence, and the surprise that it was venables who faltered first is so ridiculous.

Re: Venables back in prison?

someone has constructed a photo of what venables might look like today. I think this is a decent rendering.

Re: Venables back in prison?

im so glad i found this site..being an ex pat of liverpool this case has always been close to my heart..and im sick of these do gooders showing sympathy towards venables and thompson..they should never of been let out in the first place..i often say a special prayer to god somtimes and ask him to let venables and thompson get what they deserve for what they did to little jamie..dont worry little lad..they will get there come uppence one day for what they did..and justice will be done for your mum and dad and for the millions of us that love you also..

Re: Venables back in prison?

So many rumors and things being spread about of these two boys I overlooked this when it was posted. It is true, Venables is definantly in custody, but in a psych ward where he is being monitored around the clock on suicide watch. He broke the license of his agreement and he also is being investigated for child pornography. Venables has also been partying in Liverpool, going to clubs and using coccaine and ecstacy. The news is reporting that Venables cannot deal with his new life under anonymity and is drinking and doing drugs and telling people, even complete strangers who he is and what he has done. They believe he has a death wish(ya think!) and that he is suicidal. Denise is suppose to be meeting with Straw but its not sure if it will be told to her exactly what the allegations against him are. There are all kinds of articles and news reports on this on the web if you would like to read for yourself.