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A Dream Swiftly Stolen Forum

Update: November 19,2008

Hi Everyone!

I want to thank everyone who has kept comming onto this site to honor James' memory and I want to personally welcome everyone who is new here.If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


A Dream Swiftly Stolen Forum
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Remembering You is easy, forgetting you is not

No one can say that they understand what this dreadful murder and miscarriage of justice has done to the Bulger family. However, what they can be consoled by is that there are so many people worldwide who at least remember James and cry for him and his family.

I only hope that there is a heaven where James is now safe from harm and pain. To be able to look down and know that his family love and miss him so much. He was taken so cruelly and unnecessarily.

If there is any justice in this world, and I am beginning to believe that there isn't, then the two dreadful monsters who took James's life will be suffering for the rest of their lives, that they will never find peace, no happiness and no peace of mind. That their dreams will be haunted by the reaccuring memory of what they did.

Rest in peace dear James.