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A Dream Swiftly Stolen Forum

Update: November 19,2008

Hi Everyone!

I want to thank everyone who has kept comming onto this site to honor James' memory and I want to personally welcome everyone who is new here.If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


A Dream Swiftly Stolen Forum
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heart broken

Hello to everybody,
i knew about James only since a few weeks. And even that i know this happend a long time ago i cant get it out of my mind. Im so sad and i could cry every time i think at that little boy. My son is 2 years old and when i lool at him i can´t imagine that some one could hurt such a little baby. I feel so sorry for james. His suffer at that day took so long! The pain about is deaply in my heart. I hope one day there will be justice. And i hope their is something like heaven. That one day James and his mother meet again.

Re: heart broken

Hello Sheila, I have sent you an email hope you don't mind. You are not alone in your feelings, James is a special angel who has touched many of us. Hope to chat with you soon.

Take care,

