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To begin with, this whole Staracademy thing is a nonsense. who decided about the teachers, who gave them the power to expose some poor kids to humiliation, how can we trust their opinion, they are not famous artists, we have never seen their faces before, how can they be the judges??? Have you ever thought about this??? For those poeple who critisize, the participants, a good example, Sofia, seems that many people are against her?? why? because she is with Bashar? because most of the show viewers are females and they love him??they are jealous?? To better judge their voices, go to and listen to some samples of their primes, she Sings better than, Laila, Meriam, Cynthia, she just have to make more efforts, if there is someone who has to be reprimanded is Bashar, He is sooooooo bad, he yells at everybody, he doesn’t behave well with their friends, look how he treats Sofia now!! So disgusting, is that a normal behavior of a gentleman? I don’t think so. I don’t care about all this, I just saw people writing bad things about Sofia that I decided to write these lines, don’t you feel bad when all the teachers are treating everybody well except her???

Re: Staracademy

a sofia la petitz marocaine tous le maroc est avec toi malgré les moye=ns bonne chance petite start...