Albert Ayler
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Ayler on film

Hello everyone.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any available footage of Albert Aylers performances. Is the Fondation concert on VHS or dvd?

I would love to see any surviving footage of Ayler.


Re: Ayler on film

So far there are three films featuring Ayler, none of which are available on video or DVD.

Michael Snow's 'New York Eye and Ear Control'(1964) is an 'experimental' short film which includes some footage of Ayler, but he's not performing.

Jean-Michel Meurice's 'Albert Ayler: Le Dernier Concert' (1970) is a 48 minute documentary of Ayler's last concert at the Fondation Maeght. This includes footage of the concert intercut with an interview with Ayler. The film has been shown at film and jazz festivals but as far as I know has never been broadcast, and has certainly never been issued on video. Revenant wanted to include a DVD of this film in their 'Holy Ghost' box set but although the Fondation Maeght agreed, the Ayler estate refused their permission. So the only way you can get to see the film is to go to France and request a private showing at the Fondation Maeght.

Kasper Collin's 'My Name Is Albert Ayler' (2005) is a 75 minute Swedish documentary which includes interviews with Albert's father and brother, Don, and which also contains footage of an Ayler concert from the 1966 European tour. During the tour several concerts were shown on TV but most of the tapes were later wiped. I'm not sure where Kasper Collin found his footage but I think it's from a German TV broadcast. So far the film has been shown in Stockholm and at various festivals, and hopefully it will eventually be released on DVD.



Re: Ayler on film

Unfortunate that many years have passed but the film of Kasper Collin's 'My Name Is Albert Ayler' (2005) has not yet been released on DVD.