The Beauty School Dropouts

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The Beauty School Dropouts
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your cd

Hi. I just got your cd in the mail & listened to it. It blows me away, particularly "You Blow Me Away"--an unexpectedly sweet, touchingly tender song that makes my heart kinda melt. Particurly how it just wraps-up and ends the whole album. Having an album that actually has an album effect (instead of just a compilation of records) is cool cause too many people are moving away from that--it's nice to see some album loyalists. You guys kick ass & I wish you the best in everything. I may not know you, but I really do wish you well--you've got mad talent .

I'll try to make it on the 23rd but it's not likely cause that's 2 days before my first day of exams (which is also my b-day.. exams are a GREAT b-day present, you completely forget to bother doing anything celebrational and instead spend the day freaking out--I've obviously been through this before). Ok the ******** is done. I hope you guys have a great time recording & a super-cd release party. Great cd, great stage presence, great sound, great kick-ass rock band.