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Well my friend, now that the boulder has reached the top of the hill, it's time to release it! I'm actually with a patient as I type this so there will be more to come and will explore the site more a bit later tonight.

Short Version: just amazing...congratulations!
Long Version: ...later...

with love from Bill, Sharon, Kiana & Jaydon

Re: Sisyphus

My dear friend,
None of today would be as it is, if days we shared in the trenches together hadn't nudged us along to where we now stand. Glad you like what you're hearing.
It means alot coming from the one who first introduced me to the likes of 'The Smashing Pumpkins', 'The Black Eyed Peas' - and never shall we forget 'The CrashTest Dummies'. (I thought at the time you were talking about a Thanksgiving Dinner gone bad with a bunch of manniquins, instead of the progressive artistry of these great bands - but don't tell anyone... blush). So when you comment, my friend - rest assured, I listen. Thanks for that, Bill. Not to get all 'sensitive' or anything - but you are one of those rare people spoken about - the ones with the big feet on the beach - leaving tracks in the sand of our lives, never forgotten. Thanks for the footprints. Thanks for being there. Thanks for believing. Godspeed to you and the family. I'll see you when we tour The States and Canada in 2007.

Re: Sisyphus

...not to mention other great band names outta the frozen North such as "We've got a Casio Keyboard and We Don't Know How to Use It" and, perhaps my personal favourite, "Women with Large Breasts Juggling."

...seriously...gonna have to find that 'Band Name' file I use to maintain...


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