FACT Sasquatch is a protected specie in Washington State
"A California woman is suing the state after it told her that the hairy, scary creature she saw in the woods was a bear -- not a Bigfoot. Claudia Ackley, 46, was hiking with her two daughters when, she says, they spotted a Sasquatch staring menacingly at them though a small split tree. She called California's Department of Fish and Wildlife and was told she had probably seen a bear. Furious, she filed a lawsuit demanding that the state recognize Sasquatch as a distinct species an essential first step, she says, to protect the public from potentially dangerous Bigfoots. 'If I can save one life,' Ackley says, 'it will be worth it.'"
:flashlight: :flashlight: :flashlight:
-The Week, "News," March 30. 2018 "It must be true.. I read it in the tabloids." page 12
I guess seeing is believing! - C. J. :astonished: :astonished: :wink: