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The Husband Killer (A philosophical play for theatres or TV series)

TITLE: The Husband Killer

LOG LINE: The Husband Killer is a story of PHIL, AKUL, SONY, and KALI which presents the absurdity of life – the world without God and joy – a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and light, man feels a stranger – and man is in an irremediable exile because he is deprived of memories of a lost homeland as much as he lacks the hope of a promised home to arrive – based on the philosophy which was followed by Samuel Becket, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter and Edward Albee.

SYNOPSIS: The Husband Killer is an absurd drama in three acts and 8,611 words in length. It presents the absurdity of life.

PHIL and AKUL are friends. They are professors. They are sitting in the teachers’ room of their college during recess hour. In the meantime, they are eating. They are talking about highly homely, personal, and impersonal issues, especially their relationships with wives and the existence of love in the cosmos.

PHIL is unhappy with his life. He says that there is no love in the cosmos. He also says that he has done sex acts with his wife several times, but he does not feel pleasure in doing so. Though he has no complaint against his wife.

AKUL says that he is happy with his wife and life, and his wife loves him very much. He also says that doing sex acts is the most blissful work in the world and suggests PHIL to do so as maximum as he can. He says that this is the way of the world.

SONY and her mother KALI are sitting in the bedroom in AKUL’s home. KALI wants to get killed AKUL so that she can easily handle SONY and could get property of AKUL for her son. So, she misguides SONY. SONY refuses to do so in the beginning, but later on, she becomes ready because of KALI’s emotional blackmailing and scolding. For this SONY gets the support of AKUL’s brothers and their wives who give some amounts to hire criminals for AKUL’s murder.

Criminals are behind AKUL for his murder but unknown to him. They are waiting for him at a fixed time. AKUL comes back to his home from his college. PHIL is also with him. They are served sweets. They eat. PHIL makes AKUL happy by telling them some amusing matters and sleeps.

SONY begins to play a video game and forgets the fixed time which was fatal and continues to sit there where AKUL has to sit. AKUL goes to the library. Criminals come and consider that AKUL is sitting. They fire through the window of the room. It pierces SONY’s head, and she falls on the ground saying ‘Oh my God...’ and is to die.

KALI comes and regrets her death, but not for her bad deeds. AKUL comes and wishes to meet again in her home. PHIL wishes her happy home return.

Thus, The Husband Killer is a philosophical drama in three acts with all the features of absurd plays – with the absurdist formula of (aclp2t) + (afi2lms) + (tc) – action is reduced – characters are reduced – language is reduced – plot is reduced – place is reduced – presenting the sense of alienation, fear, isolation, insecurity, loneliness, mystery, and suspense – tragic-comic scenes – the world without God and joy – based on the philosophy of atheistic-existentialism followed by Samuel Becket, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter, and Edward Albee.