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Zero into Plus ( A Philosophical Drama for the Theatres and TV)


LOG LINE: Zero into Plus is a story of JAY, RAY, and DON, which presents the absurdity of life – the world without God and joy – a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and light, man feels a stranger – and man is in an irremediable exile because he is deprived of memories of a lost homeland as much as he lacks the hope of a promised home to arrive – based on the philosophy which was followed by Samuel Becket, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter and Edward Albee.

SYNOPSIS: Zero into Plus is an absurd play that is approximately 8,800 words in length. It narrates the story of JAY, RAY and DON. It reveals that man’s life is absurd.
Yearly religious celebrations are held in Alietland. Free food and lodging facilities are provided by Aliet Charitable Trust. JAY and RAY are sitting in the office of the trust. They discuss the importance of charitable works in the life of man, God, life, people, and the world.
JAY is the director of the trust. He says to RAY that there is no importance of charitable works in life. All men are the same – all works are the same. There is no God in the world. The world is Godless, joyless and loveless. He also says that he is working for charitable trusts not because he believes in God, but he does so because he sees others doing so. He also says that he is not happy with his life. He is issueless and his wife is dead. He belongs to Alietland. He says that the world is not a home for man and man is alien here – he is in an irremediable exile.
RAY says that God is the only truth and except Him all are false. He is the richest man in the country and is happy with his life. He has some children who are also millionaires. Thus, he has firm faith in God. He donates millions of dollars to the trust for charitable works. He says that the world is for man, and he feels that all are for man.
DON comes, who is a pilgrim. He demands a free-of-cost blanket. JAY and RAY say to give it to him when the counter opens. So, he sits there and waits for it. When asked, he says that he is a robber and a killer. He also says that there is no God. He says that he robs and kills the pilgrims for years, and he is happy with his deeds.
RAY says that the police will arrest him. But DON says that whatever he robs is also given to the police. So, none will arrest him.
The administration imposes a curfew order on the city due to the serial bomb blasts and about seventy thousand pilgrims have been killed. It is also announced that some militants are hidden in the city. So, none is allowed to go out of their houses. It is known that all the members of RAY’s family have also been killed. It is also announced that some militants are hidden in the city. So, none is allowed to go out of their houses. It is known that all the members of RAY’s family have also been killed in the Hotel Aliet.
JAY, RAY, and DON watch the news bulletin and know it. So, RAY begins to weep. The police begin firing, and its bullets cross the wall of the office and pierce the bodies of RAY and JAY. Both die on the spot. DON disappears.
Lastly, a lyric entitled ‘Life is zero into plus...’ is heard from an unknown direction. The play ends.