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Might you be interested in a 7 series, period to modern AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a Dorset Manor House spanning over 400 years, 1539 to 1970 ???

The story, which started as a book back in 1995 was transcribed to a script some 5 years ago and tells the history of the house and estate through voice-over, preferably a known voice with gravitas and humour.

Maggie Smith or Judi Dench would be ideal candidates.

The tale opens in 1720 with the arrival of the heir, Charles Shadwell and his new Polish bride of 6 weeks.

When exploring the vault used as a wine cellar, a flashback to 1539 when the first Charles Shodwell arrives at the ruined Priory of St. Cecilia, a gift from Henry Tudor for Charles acting as pimp during a visit to Hampton Court a year earlier.

Generations of the family are described including a masturbating vicar, Barbary Pirates, the building of Wrens twin towers at Westminster Abbey and references to the Great Exhibition of 1851.

In 1928, following the untimely death of Algie Shadwell, his widow, Sheridan, an American musical star, sells the house in the first of three auctions.

The first to a local farmer who all but destroys the house, the second to Alex, a Pimlico antique dealer who engages Rich, a London designer to help restore the house after demolishing the Victorian wing and creating the first architectural reclamation company and likely the first mail-order company, a garden centre and vineyard.

Alex too suffers a heart attack and early death leading to auction three when the house returns to the family, so ending the tale on a happy note.

All architectural dates and details are correct.

There is an elevation drawing of the house in 1720, numerous floor plans and elevations of associated properties with their plans.

I am by trade an architectural designer with five years training, many years experience and have worked on numerous listed buildings both commercial and residential so well equip to create the buildings and their settings.

Yours Ivan Speight,

27 Courtleigh 126 Earls court Rd., London W8 6QL.