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story pitches

This is the story of a house in Antwerp, Belgium. The house was built in 1869 as a bleach factory, and over the years it was the home where a family lived before embarking on the Titanic, where the killer of Archduke Ferdinand, whose death led to World War One lived and where his death was plotted, where my mother lived from her birth in 1929, until being captured by the Nazis, with her parents dying in Auschwitz, and where a brothel existed after World War Two, until about twenty years ago. It can be stretched into a Netflix or Amazon series, or shot as a movie.
The title is, "If these walls could talk," and it is quite interesting, and based on true events.

I have a slew of other stories, from ones that would make great short films, to others that are feature length.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Robert D. Friedman