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Master of the Hounds

TITLE: Master of the Hounds
GENRE: Psychological Thriller/Horror
RUNTIME: 90 minutes
Writer: Brock Cravy

In a surreal twist of fate, struggling writer Brandon Lawrence crosses paths with Colonel James Ritchey, the legendary inspiration behind Stanley Kubrick's fictional epic, 'Master of the Hounds.' Entrapped within a narrative, Brandon assumes the role of the protagonist, thrust into a story from which there is no escape.

I was honored as the LGBTQ Filmmaker of the Year at the Austin Revolution Film Festival for my chilling and thought-provoking ***** horror film, 'Innocent Boy' (streaming on Amazon Prime & Tubi). Additionally, my screenplay was recognized as a finalist at esteemed festivals including Cinequest, BlueCat, Big Apple, Nashville, and the Rhode Island International Film Festival. Furthermore, I was honored to win at the Moscow International Horror, Action, and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards.