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2 logline ideas

Loglines for 2 ideas from Andy Blackford, for whom I act as agent.

Miranda has a privileged background – Shane, a deprived, chaotic one. Childhood sweethearts, they drift apart in their teens. She goes to university – he is a hopeless loser. He spends a night beneath a new phone mast and awakes, clever and charming. They meet while she campaigns against the mast, and fall in love. The mast is demolished, and he reverts to his stupid, lumpen state.

Nick works in a mortuary. While lifting a cadaver, it emits a groan. Fascinated, he starts recording these involuntary sounds. Played in reverse, they urge him to invest in specific FTSE shares. He secretly amasses a fortune but keeps his job to access the tips. Until a corpse discloses the name of her murderer…

please contact me for further details...and further loglines.

Robin Skinner