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Uncivil Obedience

The story line revolves around a distinguished military officer with a majestic pedigree of officers in his family. It’s only inevitable that he follows the same path until he’s noticed and asked to run for senate and eventually becomes President of the United States. Along this journey to become president, his goal is two fold; to dispel the myth that mental illness is the reason for mass shootings in America and bridging the gap to invent an iron clad plan to end or mitigate mass shootings. This comes with opposition and the largest opposition is the outgoing president who will try everything in his power to overthrow democracy by initiating a cleansing, what he calls “Uncivil Obedience”. He authorizes this cleansing to all Americans to commit crimes including murder with the main intent of killing the incoming president for beating him. The unconventional ways of cleansing that is approved includes a lot of twist and turns, deceit and discord, backbiting and backstabbing. At the end of the day, the incoming president makes a stand to end semiautomatic mass shootings. It begins with a mass shooting and one of the victims father decides to get even with the United States government for ignoring his pleas to end mass shootings and weapon accountability and accessibility. There are several agendas during this Uncivil Obedience act.