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NEVER STOP HAVING FUN The life of late 19th century baseball player Conrade "Connie" Kerrin

This story is about the life of the most colorful player in the late 19th century. He would punch you in the nose if you called him Conrade. He played baseball for 16 seasons mostly with the Chicago club. He knew had to draw a crowd. A great player drunk or sober or having or bad game people from all over came to watch him play. Connie became the highest paid player at the time. He knew every trick in the book to win a game. He had a Japanese valet that accompanied him at home and on the road and Kerrin took his little pet monkey that sat on his shoulders to every saloon in Chicago.He did everything tending bar when the bar tender needed help and did vaudville sang and acted at the local theaters. One of his weakness was the ladies. Buying drinks for everyone in the bar and spending all his money on women was his biggest weakness. He was always borrowing money. The owner's patience was wearing thin. The players were kicked out of a hotel in Cleveland because Kerrin drove a buggy through the lobby.