Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Happy New Year seems so very slight
to wish all Susie fans a wonderful night.
My wishes are many, for people so smart
to love Susan Hayward, so I'll give it a start:
For films, I hope new ones won't just be in wrecks
of digitization and special effects.
Instead, good scripts and characters are my desire
so all of us film fans rush out and acquire
tickets to flicks with substance galore
and, after them, a whole lot more
to last for the year and suspend real life
of war and terror and other such strife.
So break out the bubbly, the hats and the song
and here's to the ones who no longer belong
to our dwindling fine actors whose classic parts
gave us joy and sorrow by sharing their hearts.
Especially our gal who will never be gone
from our thoughts and memories no matter how long.
Raise a glass to her, too, on this hopeful New Year's
and enjoy her forever with smiles and with tears.
Gloria, thank you for your creative and timely poem. It has been a while since I've watched some Susan films and your poem has inspired me to get them out and relive and enjoy watching again! I can go for long periods of time and then all of a sudden I'm starved for Hayward movies!
Happy New Year to everyone on the message board and thank you to all for your dedication in helping to keep Susan Hayward's memory alive!