Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Hi everyone, I managed to get a flashplayer that would function well enough to record and play I'll Cry Tomorrow by Susan. If you have dial-up, the page will probably be slower loading, otherwise, from my end at least, it's coming in fast and very clear. I'm so happy with the sound and I want to get some other songs on the player a little later. I don't like the advertisements on the player but it's the price I pay for a "free" player.. I hope you all enjoy and let me know how it's coming through for you.
What a lovely surprise to check in this morning and hear Susan's wonderful song. The sound is coming through perfectly here. I play my cd very often but perhaps there are some people who have never heard her singing voice so will be pleasantly surprised. She was one talented lady and a Shining Star Forever.
Trish, I'm so glad you can hear it okay...also, I've changed the background and put in a slideshow (the same that is on my myspace page.) I don't like the advertisement on it, but will live with it for now.. I'm looking around for some different slide shows..Is the slideshow working okay for you also?
Yes Ginger, the slideshow is working perfectly and I just love Susan singing her song as it seems to be in just the right key for her. (I play my cd all the time anyway!)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan's singing voice on the homepage
Thank you Trish, Christina, and Kerry! I'll change the songs every once in a while but I'm glad I finally got the player and slideshow to work!
I'm working now on trying to figure out a way to put soundbytes from Susan's films on the website, so wish me luck.. ha
Also, the pages on "The Joey Bishop" show are not working as far as the sound. The soundbytes were accidentally deleted and I was just sick about it. Jill and I worked hard on those pages. Anyway, I'll try to figure out how to get the sound from the Joey Bishop Show back...never a dull moment!