Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I know this will make you cry.. laugh.. and just downright grateful!
Hi everyone, a few years ago Jill and I worked very hard to get the transcript of Susan Hayward's appearance on the Joey Bishop Show which aired in the late 1960's onto her website. Sadly, because either of Yahoo's fault, or my inattention, the pages on which I had the soundtracks linked were deleted. Recently, I found a player on the internet that would link to a host site where I have the soundtrack of this program stored. I worked and prayed this afternoon and wow, I couldn't believe it. You are now going to be able to hear most of the soundtrack of the appearance on Susan's site. The first track is a little over 15 minutes long. I only have that up at the moment. The rest of the program is on a second track which is about 8 minutes long. I will get that up very soon.. also, the page is rather bare.. just a picture (which is gorgeous.. of course) and the player. The player should start up as soon as you get to the page. If you have high speed internet it should all come in very quickly.. if you have dial up.. hopefully, it will all come in although you might have a long wait.. but I'm telling you it will be worth it! I cried again this afternoon when I heard it! You are going to love this if you haven't heard it before....Let me know how it all goes for the url above.. Thanks! Ginger
Re: I know this will make you cry.. laugh.. and just downright grateful!
Ginger, that was such a treat. Thank you so much for sharing that with us.
Susan was quite a charming woman with a great sense of humor. One of a kind!
Thanks again!
Re: Re: I know this will make you cry.. laugh.. and just downright grateful!
Christina...I'm glad you could hear it! It's coming though fine from my end, but I'm not sure about other people. Did you make it to the second half when Rickles asked her "why did she take the Valley of the Dolls role?"....My husband listened to it last night and he kept commenting upon her little giggle. He hasn't watched a lot of her films, but we all know of course she had that adorable little laugh. He commented that he was surprised because she had such a deep throaty voice and such a high giggle.. well, we always knew she had a wide range of talent!
Re: Re: Re: I know this will make you cry.. laugh.. and just downright grateful!
Hey Ginger,
Thanks for informing me about the second half. I just listened and it was great. She was such a cool lady. I love her laugh too. You can hear her giggling through the whole thing. What a treat!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: I know this will make you cry.. laugh.. and just downright grateful!
Christina...Okay, good.. I'm glad you found.. I probably need to make that link to the second half a little more obvious. It is a treat, isn't it! I hope someday to locate the actual copy of the show itself.. the visual.. it's gotta be out there somewhere.
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Howard, I'm glad you had a chance to listen! I just think it is such a special recording. I really think that show will turn up someday... maybe even on youtube.. who knows?...We all just need to keep our eyes and ears open for it...think writing to Joey Bishop would help?... It's a thought!
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This is something so special and I thank you so much for being able to share this show with all of Susan's fans. It is amazing just to sit and listen to her voice on that show and especially the "chuckle" which I have mentioned numerous times before.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I know this will make you cry.. laugh.. and just downright g
Trish, I am so delighted to have the opportunity to share this audio, and I am so glad that you have been able to hear it clearly! Did you make it to both pages of the audio ( there is a second half)...??.. I just didn't want you to miss any of it!
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Thanks Ginger - yes the second half is coming in clearly too. I am hoping that a young friend of mine is able to download it for me as he is a "computer whiz". I just keep playing it whenever I can.
Dear Susan, I expect you are just smiling that lovely smile as you look down on us all and are asking yourself "whatever is all the fuss about?" If you didn't know how much your fans loved you while you were with us, you certainly know now.