Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
We may have talked about this before, but I couldn't remember. Tonight, I've been watching "House Of Strangers" and the commentator before the movie said that Susan liked the wardrobe in the film so much that afterwards she bought the wardrobe in its entirety. Was this fact in any of the books on Susan? I couldn't remember reading it. I thought it was interesting. She looked beautiful in this film!
Susan certainly did look beautiful in this film (as indeed in all of them). I always thought the dialogue was snappy and she and Conte seemed to have good chemistry.
I had never heard of her having the wardrobe either so that is another little snippet to add to the many.
Does anybody know anything about a burglary in her home at one time? I just saw a passing reference to it but no details, not even the year. Maybe someone can let us know.