Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
The film was "The Lost Moment" after making the film, Susan said it was a miserable failure and after viewing it she re-named it as "The Lost Hour and a Half" Walter Wanger was trying to keep Susan busy after the sucess of "Smash-UP" I thought the makeup for Agnes Moorehead was terrific.
Ray, you are correct.. thanks! I know Susan considered this film a failure, but I don't think her fans least I don't. She acted beautifully in it and was drop dead gorgeous! I didn't particularly care for Robert Cummings as the lead ( too weak!), but otherwise, it is an interesting film to me and yes, Agnes Moorhead's make-up was superb and so was she as usual!