Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I agree that the clips on YouTube are great. Unfortunately, they got the date of ICT wrong. It was released in 1955. I tried to write a response but couldn't figure out the system. Maybe in can make a comment about the date. Hate to see misinformation on the Web.
Jill, I also noticed the date is wrong..I have corresponded with the person who posted those clips, so I'll write her a little note about it. It can be easily corrected if she will just do it. She seems to be very conscientious.. I think it's just an oversight. Thanks.. and glad you could view it! (Oh, and Jill, I'll send you an url for some great clips of Lorna Luft in a Judy Garland interview. You will love it!).