Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Hello there, Did anyone see the documentary special that was shown on the Discovery channel on 2-15-07. It came on at 8 pm central time for one hour The whole show centered around the nuclear tests in Nevada during the early 50's and focused on the stars of "The Conqueror" and their fate with cancer. The whole segment was very interesting with many questions I have thought about for a long time. Ofcourse they showed our dear Susan in scenes from the film also it took us to a famous movie artifacts in LA and they have on displayed costumes that Susan wore in the film. If you did not see it, you missed out. I had the chance to tape it.
Ray, darn , I totally missed it.. didn't know it was on.. I think they repeat those discovery channels shows quite a bit.. I'll certainly watch for it to show again. Was it similar to the E channel's Mysteries and Scandals show about The Conqueror? I'll look forward to finding it on the Discovery Channel..thanks for the info