Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
This movie is being played again on Turner Classic
Movies, on April 20. Check local listings for the time.
The movie was Susan's first Academy Award nomination for
best actress.
Thanks for the tip, Amy.. here are a couple of trivia questions for you or anybody else. "Smash-Up" was loosely based on a famous singer and his alcoholic wife. Who was the singer and what was his wife's name?
I think the singer was Bing Crosby and his wife Dixie Lee?
This is a stunner of a film and a role in which Susan could really show her skills. She was just so beautiful in this one (well in every film naturally). I am afraid she really showed up Lee Bowman's inadequacies as an actor but Marsha Hunt and the great Eddie Albert were excellent supporting players.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Smash Up Again on TV/a little trivia
Howard & Ginger:
It was definitely Bing Crosby and Dixie Lee. Bing and Bob Hope didn't only share movie roles together, they shared women as well. Crosby was a woman chaser par excellence while pretending to be such a goodie-two-shoes religious man. No wonder Dixie took to booze. She should have taken to her lawyer instead for divorce papers.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Smash Up Again on TV/a little trivia
Trish, Howard, and Gloria, you are all correct.. the answer is Bing Crosby and Dixie Lee.
The "catfight" scene in the ladies room with Susan and Marsha Hunt is a classic. I've seen it copied in other areas of film. I saw it done in a soap opera scene once.. none can top it. That's a great scene!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Smash Up Again on TV/a little trivia
Susan is so beautiful in that movie. The fight scene is delicious and the juicy dialogue that precedes the fight is delivered brilliantly by Susan.
She is, by far, the best thing in the movie.