Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
2nd time's the charm! I played my 3 hour gig there tonight. This was their first week-end to open. It's a wine and cheese type bistro. I've heard that there are many similar ones in California (San Francisco area) but a first in our area as far as I know. They had purchased a brand new yamaha baby grand and it is beautiful. I'm playing tomorrow night also. They let me use this "huge" tip glass, which wasn't quite filled, but I'll take what I can get.. ha.....Maybe I can get a youtube of it at some point.. I'll keep you posted! BTW, I played Susan's Song and With A Song In My Heart....and speaking of WASIMH...please look at the post above this one.
Howard, it went very well.. thanks! Business seemed a little slower than Friday night but I think when the word gets out more that things will be successful. Also, we have learned that business picks up more around 9:00pm so next Saturday I will start playing 30 minutes later and stay 30 minutes later .. 7:30 - 10: 30. Our county has a smoke free law in bars and restaurants here so that makes the breathing atmosphere very smelling like smoke when I leave.. ha...So far so good.. I hope this gig lasts for a while.. it's a good one and only about 10 minutes from where I live....very convenient.
Ginger, glad it is going well at Bailey's. If I were there, I would heckle you and ask drunkenly if you can play "Melancholy Baby." Just kidding!
I don't think you mentioned how you got the gig. Did you have to audition? Everytime I have seen people who play in cocktail lounges I have always been envious. Thought it would be the best thing in the world to do. And without the smoke, even better.
Jill, Oh, I could play Melancholoy Baby for you.. no problem..just don't ask me to play any Led Zeppelin.. as one person did the other night.. LOL
I lucked into the gig. They are renting from my cousin who owns the building. His mother, my aunt, was there just checking it out earlier in the year when they were rennovating and she learned that the owners wanted someone to play piano at least one night per week...Bingo... my aunt told her about me... then I sent them one of my cds so they could hear my style and that's how it worked out. I hope it lasts for a while because it sure is fun and I've missed doing that sort of thing. I'm going to enjoy the ride!
I live in Lee's Summit, Missouri which is in the metro Kansas City area. Baily Bistro (it doesn't have the apostrophe in mistake in previous posts) is less than 10 minutes from where I live..oh, I feel so lucky! Yes, Baily Bistro is on Main Street in Lee's Summit,MO.