Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I am new to the website tonight and have been wondering about something all evening. I have been watching "I'll Cry Tomorrow" on TCM tonight. What a great actress Susan was and how beautiful!! Was she doing her own singing in this movie? Did she also do her own singing in the Jane Froman movie? Just curious.
Mr. Osborne, host on TCM, said tonight after the showing of "I'll Cry Tomorrow" that Susan did indeed do her own singing in that film. In the Jane Froman film, however, Ms. Froman herself sang for Ms. Hayward.
I am so thrilled to see new Susan Hayward admirers writing on the site especially younger fans.
In case you didn't already know, you can purchase Susan singing the songs from "I'LL CRY TOMORROW" on a cd which also contains Jane Froman's repertoire from "With a Song in My Heart" plus songs from "Smash-Up". I obtained mine from Amazon and play it just about every day. Susan had a lovely contralto voice and it is a shame she wasn't allowed to use it in more of her films - especially "Smash-Up" and "Valley of the Dolls".
Susan Hayward will remain in the hearts and memories of countless people and justly so as she was the Greatest of the Great Stars in Hollywood.
thanks for the welcome.... :-)
I am an older fan (late 50's), and have loved Susan's movies all my life...I had just never realized that she was doing her own singing in "I'll Cry Tomorrow"...I was "really listening", I guess, last night and realized that it might be her, because I thought she was dubbed in the Froman movie.
She did so many wonderful movies! Some of my favorites are "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain", "Back Street", "David and Bathsheba", "Soldier of Fortune", "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"....I could keep listing forever ... :-)
the one thing that I remember from childhood and early teens was HOW BEAUTIFUL I thought she was!
I still do.....
I can't believe I forgot to list "Tap Roots" and "The President's Lady"! Guess I was having one of those "senior moments".... :-)
As I said in my other post...just too many to list them all....
Re: Re: Re: Susan's singing in "I'll Cry Tomorrow"
I'll go along with Ginger on welcoming all the new admirer's of Susan to this site. Welcome aboard!! Susan has been my favorite actress since I was 10 years old and now I am in my sixties and the years keep adding up!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan's singing in "I'll Cry Tomorrow"/Once you have found her
Ray, I found Susan Hayward when I was 13. Remember that song "Some Enchanted Evening" ?..there is a lyric at the ending.. "Once you have found her, never let her go."...that's how I feel about Susan Hayward.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan's singing in "I'll Cry Tomorrow"/Once you have found her
Ginger, I found Susan when I was about 10 years old. I saw the movie With a Song in My Heart and I was hooked. For years I wanted to be an actress just like her. Everyone that knew me knew about my love for Susan. My scrapbooks were filled.
I was so devastated to loose her so early!
Do you know if With a Song in My Heart is available on DVD yet?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan's singing in "I'll Cry Tomorrow"/Once you have found her
Dani, I answered you in the thread below this one "A Serious Rumour".....Yes, we were all devastated when she left us so early ...long before her time! I'm sure you must remember where you were when you heard the news.