Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
On June 30th last year as you all know, I visited Susan's grave in Carrollton, It meant so much to me to be able to pay my respects to this wonderful lady and sincerely hope I can travel there again one day.
Gloria's wonderful poem inspired me to write (or at least try to write) one of my own :
It was in Brooklyn
90 years ago
When a baby arrived
Determined to show
The whole world
That she mattered.
Her many admirers,
Far flung and scattered
Through many countries
Would gaze in delight
At Susan Hayward
A truly awesome sight.
To watch her up there
On the silver screen
With her glorious red hair,
She just had to be seen.
With those beautiful eyes
She seemed more like a dream.
People would stand
For many an hour
To see this Goddess
Who had such power
To enter their hearts
And stay there forever.
She eventually won
The top prize of all
An Oscar no less
To put by her wall
A welcome addition
To all her awards
Now we who are left
Sometimes feel quite bereft
But she gladdened our hearts
In so many ways
That we'll love and adore her
Till the end of our days.
Trish, that is a really beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it on this day.
It's hard to believe Susan would be 90 years old today, doesn't it? She will always be a beautiful ingenue and/or mature woman to us. She'll remain young to us. Her films just keep on giving, and I'm thankful for that!
If I really "inspired" you, then I'm thrilled. Your poem is wonderful. People like us are told they're talented to write such poems when, really, it is easy to do so when you write about Susan, don't you agree? The reason is that our words, like our thoughts, come straight from the heart.