Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
It poured down rain here all day and I figured there wouldn't be much business at the Bistro tonight, but I guess everybody was sick of staying inside because business was good! The nanny of one of my students, her husband, and another couple with them came by and that was nice. I felt like I was helping business out in an indirect way. One of the owners of the bistro said he was interested in taking piano lessons. He asked me if it took very long to learn.. "uh, yeah".. LOL
My husband Bob came by for a little while, just for the moral support. He's going to come by at some point and take some videos, so hopefully, if they turn out good, I can post some on youtube. I'm really going to try to do that if I can get some good footage. I'll let you know if I get that done.
I always play something related to Susan Hayward -- tonight I played "Susan's Song", "With A Song In My Heart," and "Blue Moon".
Oh, they are going to advertise "Ginger Haydon on Saturday Nights".. in the paper, etc.. I told them to SPELL MY NAME RIGHT....LOL
I love going back to the office after playing on Saturday nights and collecting my check. I feel like I'm in a Humphrey Bogart movie--...if only everything were black and white!
It was fun... hope it lasts for a while!
(I like that big tip jar too!)
I'm so glad you play songs related to Susan, including your own "Susan's Song!" If you can add one of my all-time favorites, "My Foolish Heart," I would love to hear about it.
Congratulations on everything going so well - I am so pleased for you. Regarding Gloria mentioning "My Foolish Heart" - it is just about my all-time favourite song too. I remember reading a long time back that it was the most regularly requested song in bars and nightclubs of all time. That may have changed by now of course.
Every time I hear it I get chills and think of the lovely Eloise in that wonderful film - when I first "discovered" Susan all those years ago. I loved it when you had it playing on the site and always felt obliged to listen to it all the way through!
Gloria and Trish, I love "My Foolish Heart" too and I don't know why I haven't thought to play it at the bistro. It's one of my favorites. I'll certainly add it to my "Susan Hayward" set, which I am working on building up! Thanks for reminding me!...maybe I can work it into the youtube clips!