Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
click the website url above.. it's so nice to see that Susan Hayward was among the unforgetable Hollywood legends presented by Loretta Young during this television special that looks like it might have been aired in the late 80's..???not sure of the date.
Loretta Young presents unforgetable legends; Humphrey Bogart, Jean Harlow, Spencer Tracy, Ronald Coleman, Merle Oberon, David Niven, Gary Cooper, Carole Lombard, Veronica Lake, Errol Flynn, Vivian Lee, Clark Gable, Henry Fonda, Joan Crawford, Robert Taylor, Ingred Bergman, John Garfield, Rock Hidson, Marilyn Monroe, Montgomery Cliff, James Dean, Susan Hayward, William Holden, Steve McQueen, Natalie Wood, Richard Burton, Grace Kelly, Cary Grant. Patti LaBelle sings 'When You Wish Upon A Star'