Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Fabulous video of Susan/Cannes/and a pottery shop in France
Click the website url above.
This is a wonderful video -- I have never seen anything like it before -- The first part of the video is Susan at Cannes in that fabulous dress, then there is a lovely portion of it where she is being herself and visiting a pottery shop. She even paints on a pottery piece herself...then there are some various publicity scenes during Cannes. You'll love this video. I hope you can view it. You may need a yahoo id to see it, but maybe not.. give it a try..
Re: Fabulous video of Susan/Cannes/and a pottery shop in France
Hi Ginger,
I have tried numerous times to play this video and can't understand what I am doing wrong! I click on "play video" and a written page (in French obviously) comes up. I can't seem to get any further. Any ideas?? It is so frustrating.
Re: Re: Fabulous video of Susan/Cannes/and a pottery shop in France
Trish, I was able to open the video/s succesfully on my laptop, but when I went to my older desktop computer, it said I would need to download "quicktime" first..I downloaded "quicktime" and it still wouldn't open, so I don't know why it has to be so difficult and I know it's frustrating. Christina says that these clips are on aol also, so maybe it would be easier to open them there...??..I'm not sure.. I hope you can find some good luck or maybe try it on another computer at some point...if you are at another computer, go to yahoo, and search yahoo videos and then search Susan Hayward. Good luck.
Re: Re: Re: Fabulous video of Susan/Cannes/and a pottery shop in France
Thanks Ginger. I had already tried AOL on reading Christina's note but that wouldn't open either!
It is very frustrating particularly as this is a new computer and my search engine is Yahoo!! I will get there eventually I trust as I can't wait to see Susan in Cannes.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fabulous video of Susan/Cannes/and a pottery shop in France
Trish...go to the website url above...and look to the left at the top.. "download".. then it will take you to the page where you can downolad Quicktime 7...this is a program that opens videos..some videos are set up as to where they can only be opened using quicktime.. it is free...good luck!