Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
What a neat film clip this is!..a sort of French newsreel I think...this is Susan arriving in Cannes, descending from the plane, and getting the royal treatment. What a classy lady!
Hey Ginger,
I have seen those clips before on aol. They are awesome. Just to see her as herself is such a treat. She was so beautiful! I love her in her little sweater and flats.
Christina, I had no idea those were on the internet. I feel like I need to write a big thank you to the folks who those out there! It's such a unique view of her. I loved the sweater and flats too... she would fit right in with today's fashions. She was so adorably petite. I just couldn't get the pottery shop one out of mind last night. It seemed like I had just seen her for the first time!