Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Last night I was perusing youtube and found an Id of someone called "ashconveyor". He/she has a vast collection of old film clips and classical arts clips. This person has put the entire movie, "The Snows Of Kilimanjaro" in small segments on you tube. I wrote and thanked him/her and this "id" put up a trailer of "Forest Rangers" and very nicely dedicated it to me. If you can access youtube, check out the trailer with Susan spotlighted, of course! I hinted that we would like MORE Susan Hayward treasures if possible.
I myself am trying to work with getting more clips on youtube. It is time consuming but probably I would get better and faster it I did it more. I want to finish the a&e bio on youtube first, and then I'd like to work on some clips.
Click above for the Forest Rangers trailer. (I don't know if I'm spelling trailer right and I'm too lazy to look it up.. ha)