Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I love this new lay-out. It is so much easier to read and the picture of Susan is gorgeous - she looks so classy.
I imagine we would all have loved to have been able to see Mame. I didn't even know about it for years as I must have missed any mention in the U.K. papers, if indeed it was mentioned.
Errol wrote a wonderful letter about actually seeing Susan on stage in Mame way back on this site. Errol, I am so envious of you meeting Susan after the Joey Bishop Show and also seeing her in Las Vegas. I do hope your health has improved as we haven't heard from you in quite a while.
Trish, thanks...This place needed a little change. I love the photo of Susan also.
I had forgotten that Errol had written that story on the message board at an earlier time. Thanks for sharing it again, Errol. We have some newer friends here and I'm sure they enjoy reading about your experience at Mame.