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Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true!
I don't know how you 'll feel when you read me but this morning I have been informed of two long awaited DVD releases dates and I was in heaven,moved too.
-Warner : 6 november 2007 : release of "I'll cry tomorrow" with lots of extras,
-20 century Fox: 13 november 2007 .....At last ,at last ,at last : release of "With a song in my heart on DVD (extras -if there are extras- yet not know)
We have waited so long ,too long but Susan 's classic movies on seem to be coming at last...Let's hope it will go on and on.
She in heavrn,her memory in this hard world ..and we her faithful admirors we deserve them,don't we.
Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true!
Phil.. thanks for your note!
I knew that WASIMH was going to be released, but wasn't sure of the date. I know it's going to be shown in November to a group of people in Columbia, Missouri who are celebrating Jane Froman's 100th birthdate. I knew it would be released closely around that time.
I didn't know about I'll Cry Tomorrow. That is terrific! I'll look forward to the extras also.
Also, Rawhide is to be released soon (if it hasn't been already.. I haven't checked)...I do know that it has been in the works.
You are right, Susan worked so hard and the rewards of her efforts have been left to enjoy for us and generations to follow.
I hope she knows all of this is going the vast scheme of things, who can tell?....mysteries are all around us. I don't really discount too much.
Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true!
What wonderful news, do you live in France and can you play the DVD's for Region 1, which most of Susan's seem to be? I can only play the ones for Region 2 as I live in the U.K.
I am sure Susan knows she has touched all our hearts but is probably wondering what all the fuss is about. I read once that she thought the only people who should be "admired" would be the like of Doctors etc. She is also quoted as saying that she was just a "working girl"!!
Thank you so much for being just a "working girl" Susan and for so greatly enriching our lives - we never tire of seeing you. Many thanks to you too Ginger for getting us all together in our admiration for the greatest Star of all time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true!
Thanks to Phil (Is this Phillipe?)....and Trish...I love working on Susan's site. It has brought many great rewards to me since I first created it several years ago..8, I think!...It is wonderful to have the opportunity to help bring other Susan Hayward admirers together to discuss and remember her. I always thought I was somewhat alone in my appreciation of her... wow, was I wrong.. !!!...thanks to all who participate.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true!
Yo, Ginger:
For too many years I thought I was the only Susan Hayward fan! Thanks for making it possible for me to learn that the rest of the world isn't as out of it as I once thought, LOL.
And thanks to Phil a/k/a Philippe, for the information. Although I do have WASIMH and I'll Cry Tomorrow on VHS (as I'm sure most of us do), I look forward to any extra features the DVD will have. As much as we've heard over the years about our gal, there are probably more things we haven't. When I look at more recent movie DVDs and see the stars themselves being interviewed, or even seeing behind-the-scenes views of them, I always think of how nice it would be to have some of these of Susan. Well, maybe now.....?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true!
Gloria, it would be nice to see some never-before-seen interviews, wouldn't it?
There used to be a show called "Here's Hollywood" and Susan was interviewed for that. I think it was while she was filming one of the European films in the 60's..i.e., Stolen Hours, The Honey Pot...etc..--I remember that I was all hyped up to watch it on tv ( no video recorders in those days!)..and somehow I missed it.. anyway, I've always been curious about that interview.
Also, I'd love to see the Person to Person interview with Susan and Eaton.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is true
You would be surprised at how many of those old shows of early telelvision and on have been saved on 16mm film... many people have put these on youtube...I just keep looking. I did write to a guy who has lots of 16mm. He had one small clip from a Joey Bishop talk show and that's all...nothing involving Susan.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it is
It's unfortunate that my computer is older, and I can't get You Tube on it. However, I buy as much as I can find on Susan, including that A&E biography of her in 1988.
Our problem with finding too much on her is that (1) she wasn't exactly the most forthcoming person on her personal life, (2) a lot of the people she worked with in movies who could probably share new information on her are also gone now, and (3) since she didn't do much socializing with other actors between scenes of a film, preferring to go to her dressing room and probably prepare for the next scene, there might not be many things to tell about her.
When you think about it, we went from one extreme to the other: years ago, the big studios protected their stars and their own publicity departments probably kept the stars from talking too much to the media. Today, we hear too much about the stars! I don't know about anyone else, but frankly, I don't care when they had their first sex experience or with whom, or how many times they've been in rehab, ad nauseum.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward new DVDs : Release dates...yes it
Gloria, I always really respected Susan for being low-key as far as the social and interviews, however, as you say, it's difficult to get insight on her, but when we do, it's special!
Being a star in this day and time isn't really all that special. They are overexposed and that kills the mystery.