Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Hi everyone..I was born 1953 in the UK. My mother was a big fan of Susan Hayward and went to see all her films. She always said if she ever had a daughter she would name her Susan and guess what that turned out to be me! I tell everyone this story and am very proud to be named after such a lovely lady.
Welcome to the message board. I hope you'll visit often.
I do remember that you had either written to me previously (quite a while ago) or had written in the guestbook regarding that you were named Susan after Susan Hayward. I think that is so very neat of your mom. I can understand how you are proud to be named after Susan Hayward!
BTW --I received a note from a lady a few years ago whose name is Susan Hayward. She acquired the name when she married a man whose last name is Hayward. Her name was somewhat of a conversation piece for sure!
Bette Midler's mom loved Susan Hayward and Bette Davis, therefore the Divine Miss M was named after Bette Davis, and Bette M's sister, Susan, was named after.. you guessed it!
Thanks for your replies. I only discovered your site last night so no i havent contacted you before. I didnt know about Bette Middler!
Also my sister has twin boys so thats something of a coincidence.
Best wishes and i really enjoyed looking at your site.
Thank you, Susan, and sorry I mixed you up with someone else. I do remember someone writing to me and telling me that they had been named after Susan, so seems like there are several out there!
I'm glad you found the website.
Trish --I didn't know that about Bette having a sister named after Judy Garland.