Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
For those of you who can access Youtube, please click the above link. I made a slide show with original music (Susan's Song). I hope you like! I even managed to get in opening and closing credits.. it was an all nighter (more than usual.. lol).. last night, but I learned a lot... I hope you enjoy!
Congratulations Ginger,it is a nvery nice tribute.
I have been looking for the color photo of Susan in a white shirt with her auburn hair floating in the must nbe from the fifties.You had this photo featured on the forum once i remember.
Do you know f there 's a way to purchase an 8x10 print (or smaller siz0 of this beautiful shot?
Phillipe...thank you for checking out the slideshow...I'm glad you liked it.
I might have that photo in the collection that Errol had generously sent to me for reproduction on the webpage, but I'm not sure if that's where I originally got it. I'll see if I can find it among my Susan collection and I'll get back to you. I may have copied that from an ebay ad. If I have it, it should be relatively easy to reproduce I would think. I love that photo also.
What a lovely tribute Ginger. You work so hard to keep so many people happy. I am sure everyone appreciates it immensely.
Phil - I am not sure which picture of Susan you mean. Maybe Ginger can help as if I have it I can print you a smaller version. An 8" x 10" requires an exceptionally clear print to start with when you copy them which are hard to find
Thank you, Trish.. I'm glad you like the slideshow! I loved working on it!
I believe that this photo (click above) is the one to which Phillipe is referring.. (right Phillipe?)....
I must either have an 8x10 of it or it might have been of of those postcards size ones that you had sent me a year or so ago, Trish. I need to look and see what I've really got because I can't remember how I actually got it to her webpage.. ha
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward, In Loving Memory/oops/Here it is!
It is a beautiful, photo. It really shows her natural beauty.
Between, Trish and me, we should be able to get you a copy of this photo, Phillipe. I am looking for mine. I might have an 8x10, but I'm not sure. I'm thinking that it might have been taken from a postcard size that Trish had sent me a couple of years ago. We'll work it out for you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward, In Loving Memory/oops/Here it is!
I'm really sorry Phillipe but I don't have an original of this particular picture so can't make you a decent print. I just have a copy in "clipping form". I can send you a postcard size which will be slightly fuzzy if you care to send me your address.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan Hayward, In Loving Memory/oops/Here it is!
Phillipe, I'll look in my Susan collection this week-end. I had thought I had gotten that photo from Trish, but I guess it came from Errol unless I lifted it off of the internet. I'll get back with you soon.