Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Like YVONNE DE CARLO sang in "FOLLES"...
Good time...and bad times...
I've seen them all...
But my dear...I'm still here!
I'm so sorry that I was not able to respond to those who wrote back, about my seeing Susan in "Mame"...but many things have happened since I wrote that on here.
Bad health...Offers to do shows, that I had to turn down because of...the bad health!
Then my computer...CRASHED...and that has never happened to me I am still slowly getting things, that I need, back on the computer. The big sorrow is that I lost my great Susan collection, so I will have to re-do that..and also I lost all of the pics from shows that I have done since 2000. I can't replace them and that makes me very sad.
I have so much reading to keep up with you people! All of the posts look so interesting and I did read the ones concerning the dvd releases of Susan's films.
So...this message is just to say...HI to everyone!
It will be followed by a message of more interest to one and make sure you read it...(LOL) Errol
What a run of setbacks. It is uncanny how so often, negative happenings occur at the same time. The poor health saga would have been enough to deal with, without the PC disaster. Hoping both scenarios improve for you.
It's very good to see you back on board again! I'm really sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Also, computer crashes can be very disheartening. Believe me, I've had plenty and have lost so many items that I had worked so hard to save. I've started over the past couple of years to save as much as I can on online websites.. you know photos, favorite files, etc., but of course, programs you have especially downloaded for your own computer can't be saved online -- as far as I know!...I've lost music match jukebox, and tv-online type stuff.. and programs that I've used with my just makes one sick at heart...goes with the territory I guess..anyway, all you can do is "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again ( another song.. lol)..