Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Here is some dialogue from I Thank A Fool that hit "home" to me. If any of you have ever lived with or had to deal with a mentally ill loved one, you will related also. This dialogue is between Peter Finch (as Stephen Dane) and Susan Hayward (as Christine Allison). They are discussing the beautiful and mentally ill Liane played by Diane Cilento.
Christine: Liane worries me more and more. She suddenly seemed jealous of me.
Dane: Well, that's ridiculous isn't it?
Christine: Yes, very ridiculous, if she knew the truth.
Dane: You know, it's like in the war when one's crossing a minefield in the dark and one must tread delicately, waiting for the explosion. That's what it's like living with Liane.
Christine: I know what it's like.
Dane: Do You?
Christine: The things you can't say, the subjects you've got to avoid, the plans you can't make. I remember all that.
Dane: We're so separated. Now it's like living in another country.
Christine: And that's when they need you the most.
Dane: Does Liane?
Christine: Of course she does. What do you think she was shouting about today? It's when they are so ill, they need someone to hate, and that's when you can't ever leave them, not possibly.