Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Hi everyone... I got a note from "Kim" along with this photo of Susan signing autographs for soldiers. Isn't it a fantastic photo! I don't believe I have ever seen it before. Have any of you? Probably not, since it is ORIGINAL. I love it!
Kim wrote this note to me. I'm posting it with the picture here, and I'll put it within the Susan pages so that more people will view it. Here is her note: (and if any of the other soldiers are identifiable, just let me know and I'll tell Kim.. thanks!) It looks like it may have been taken in the early 1940's. (I'll ask Kim WHERE it was taken.. that would be helpful, I think. Okay, here's Kim's note:...Thanks, Ginger
" I am doing a geneology project of my family and I have an old original photograph of Susan Hayward surrounded by 6 soldiers, one of whom is my grandfather, and she is smiling at one of them providing an autograph.
I was wondering if there is anyone who can take a look at this picture and tell me who the other soldiers may be and when this may have been taken as there is no date on the back of the photograph.
I would appreciate any assistance you could provide.
That would be really great if you put it in your message board - maybe someone will recognize one of the other soldiers. The one that is standing directly next to her looking down at her signing is my grandfather, Elmer "Punchie" Helmlinger.
Any information anyone could provide would be helpful. I am guessing it was before 1951 as he was a
local policeman by then."
More amazing photos surfacing. I agree Ginger, that it is almost certainly early to mid 40's. Going on Susan's hair and clothes. America entered the war Dec.'41 so it may date prior to that, but it smacks of an actual wartime shot, so is possibly early 1942-45.?
I wonder how many other photos are out there in private hands ??
Good luck Kim, with your search for any information in this regard. It would be terrific if any other surviving soldier from the photo, (or a relative of same) spotted this.
How exciting to see some new pictures of Susan. I am actually in the U.S. at present, staying in New Hampshire with another fan of Susan's whom I met through your site. I just spent a week outside Boston with another big admirer of Susan's so you can imagine what the main topic of conversation has been.
Many, many thanks Ginger for enabling three dedicated fans to meet through your wonderful site. You are a treasure.
Thank you, and I seem to be somewhat of a catalyst for bringing people of like interests together, and I don't mind that role at all!! I think it is exciting that you have met and are visiting two mutual Susan Hayward admirers whom you met via this site. What a circle she has created even though she is gone!
I have met so many good friends here, people I'd love to meet in person someday! I have actually met and travelled with one friend, Elizabeth,that I met here, and the other friend, Julie, lives in the NYC area and I get to visit her each year when I go to NYC to see Kelly. In fact, Kelly and I will be visiting Julie on October 15 and I'm looking forward to it.
It's nice to meet up with others who "get it", isn't it!
I hope you continue to have a wonderful visit to the U.S.
This a great photograph of Susan sharing her lovely smile with our soldiers. It may have been taken at the Hollywood Canteen probably around 1942-1943, as Susan was always busy entertaining our troops, serving food, dancing with the soldiers. Susan met Jess at the Canteen in 1943. I would like to know who the other soldiers are> Good luck Kim in your search and keep informed.
Ray, I was thinking that this was probably taken at the Hollywood Canteen also. What a great looking group of guys they are too! long ago and far away.