Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Ray, thanks.. I had a great time.. got home last night.
I didn't really look for any Susan items. It was too short of a visit and we were cramming visiting, shopping, walking, eating in, .. ha...Now that Kelly has her own place, I should be able to go back more and just move around on my own a lot while she works. I'm getting a lot more familiar with the city now that I've been several times over the years. I'm not sure what a "paper show" is...??.. You mean something like a memorabilia type show or event where they are selling nostalgic items?
Yes, Ginger...your are correct. One can buy just about anything at one of these " paper shows." Venders sell all sort of movie memorabilia, almost like a fair. When ever one would come up, Eduardo Moreno would inform me. He lived in Queens. He supplied me with many magazines with Susan on covers and many of hard to find. Glad you had a good time and welcome back.