Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I watched "With A Song In My Heart" yesterday what a wonderful movie. Jane Froman was a incredible person, and Susan Hayward did a wonderful job of playing the singer.
I remember the various tv shows Miss Froman was a guest on in the 50's. She was truly a wonderful singer and a woman of great courage. She will ever live in my heart.
Susan Hayward is one of my favorite actress's I never missed seeing her movies. I will miss her forever, Thanks to God we have her wonderful movies.
Charlotte, thank you for your above post. If you would like information regarding the upcoming Jane Froman Centennial, read the post just a few threads above here.
With A Song In My Heart is one of my favorite Hayward films, and as one writer had put it, Hayward and Froman are one in the same in the eyes and hearts of their admirers because of that film.