Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Has anyone gotten "I'll Cry Tomorrow" and "With a Song in My Heart" on dvd? I'm waiting for mine in the mail. Just wondering if there are any cool special features.
Hi Christina...I am waiting too....Amazon has already shipped my copy of "I'll cry tomorrow" and I hope that my DVD of "With a song in my heart" will be shipped on 13 november.......
I am one happy camper because I bought the ICT DVD at my local video store on Friday! I made a special trip, hoping it would be in stock. At first I tried to look for it on my own but couldn't find it on the new release shelf. I was getting a little depressed. Then I asked the clerk and he directed me to another shelf and handed it to me. What a thrill.
I played it that night and it was so great to see it again. The extras are wonderful too. Ginger, they have the George Murphy interview with Susan on it. {It was wonderful to finally see it in the flesh.) Then there is a musical short with Lillian Roth, which I thought was a nice touch. Also included are a vintage newsreel of the premiere with Susan and Lillian and a short awards sequence.
I am so glad I have a local store to go to. The clerk told me they get their stuff days ahead of the release date.
Jill, you've got me all excited. ha..I'll make sure Julie reads this. I think she will be interested.
I'm glad you finally got to see the George Murphy Interview...I think it's somewhat scripted but still, it's such a rare moment to see Susan as "herself." I think this was her first television appearance if I'm not mistaken.
I'm going to go down to Blockbuster or Hollywood video this afternoon and see if maybe, just maybe, they have it, before I try to order from Amazon.
I know you have been waiting for that dvd for a long time!
They didn't have either of them at our blockbuster store, but I ordered both from Amazon.. can't wait..well, I will have to wait.. I got the "free shipping" so it will be 5-9 days.. well, I've waited this long, guess I can wait a bit longer! I'll Cry Tomorrow and With A Song In My Heart all at once.. yay!
Wonderful,the movie of course in good DVDF quality...and 3 extra clips I did not know with Susan in 1955 the premiere of the film,in 1956 in the MGM parade,and in june of the same year the 1956 look best actress award!
there is also a short film featuringt Lilan Roth that I still have to watch....
Now I am eagerly waiting for my copy of "With a song in my heart" : The greatest Hollywood redhead in technicolor at the top of her carreer and beauty in 1951/ a restored version of the movie!!!.........
I have heard that Valerie Lemon, who does a cabaret type show of Jane Froman and I believe recently performed at the Jane Froman Centennial in Columbia, Mo., ( I didn't go) is a special feature on the With A Song In My Heart dvd. There is a youtube or two of her singing also. You can go to youtube and just enter "Valerie Lemon" in search. I'm curious to see if she is on the dvd.
Has someone here from the forum already got the new restored print of "With the song in my heart" on DVD and tell how is the quality of images and colour?
I am waiting for it.....
My DVD of "I'll cry tomorrow" is a gem....I love the extras.
Phillipe, I am awaiting both dvds, ICT, and said 5-9 days since I got free shipping. I ordered it last Sunday night..should be here any day. I anxiously check the mail every day!