Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Hi everyone... this was posted today in my Susan Hayward guestbook. It's a sweet story:
In 1956 I was a nine year old Air Force brat living in Paris, France. My father was stationed at Orly AFB. One afternoon my mother was attending a NCO Wives Club meeting and she looked out the window of the club and saw this women walk by and thought to herself "I know that woman" but couldn't think who it was. A few minutes later someone came rushing into the club announcing that Susan Hayward was down by the PX. My mother and the other NCO wives rushed out of the club and I just happened to be coming by from playing at the elementary school playground nearby. She grabbed me by the hand and we ran down to the PX and as we rounded the corner we saw 2 seater sports car with the top down driving away. As we watched it drive away it suddenly went around the block and came back to our small crowd. My mother and I were standing about four feet from her and my mother said "Say hi to Susan Hayward , Robbie". I mumbled "Hi" and she replied "Hi Robbie how are you?" Smiling at me. I just smiled back at her and after a couple of minutes she and her driver drove away. I still remember she was wearing a silk scarf on her head because of the top being down on the car. And most of all her wonderful smile. She was in France to attend the Cannes Film Festival at the time so this must have been the end of April or the first part of May 1956.