Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Today it arrived...the one Susan Hayward movie I have dreamed of having on official restoredDVD for years.........
I am thrilled like a child !
And it is wonderful: colors,definition,sound....Susan 's copper-auburn hair in technicolor ....they did a great job.
the presentation reserves some very nice surprises to,but I won't tell much more to preserve surprise....
Of course i would have liked some documentary or moving images of Susan from 1951/52,premiere news reel's not there....there seems to be a nice documentary on Jane Froman instead....
But anyway,a great tribute to Susan at the top of ther beauty and talent in 1951 (the film was released in 1952 but made in 1951)
Bravo Fox and keep coming with more restored Hayward movies on DVD!
I'm happy to hear your good report! My box from amazon with both dvds (ICT and WASIMH) just now arrived. I haven't even opened it yet! Will get back to you soon! 'It's A Good Day'!
ALAS. after having viewed the whole film on the new DVD.....pity!I have a serious critic
On some parts of the DVD it looks like they stopped the restoration to go on with it again....the whole result is unequal.%20void(0);
On my copy 5/6 times and for about 2 minutes each time,picture becomes unsharp,fuzzy,looking VHS quality instead of DVD..then unexplicably the restored quality comes back.
i am quite annoyed by that after my first enthousiasm...For having waited SO LONG before giving us this musical treasure annd classic on DVD FOX should have controlled the restration of the master before giving it to sale....Pity.
Hope that they will correct the "forgotten" parts and come back with a perfect De luxe edition of a WHOLE restored "With a song in my heart"
Re: ALAS. after having viewed the whole film on the new DVD.....pity!I have a serious critic
Phillipe, I haven't actually watched the film itself yet.. only the documentary on Jane Froman. That is disheartening that the dvd is not excellent as it should be. I'll let you know what I think of the movie as soon as I've watched it.
Re: Re: ALAS. after having viewed the whole film on the new DVD.....pity!I have a serious critic
I was sorry to hear about the DVD not being up to par. I visited my speciality DVD store yesterday and questioned them about it. The guy behind the counter said he couldn't understand why it would be uneven, with some parts of the film unrestored. He was willing to play it in the store for me but he did not have a rental available. He said he had never heard about that happening. I also wondered why they would include a before-and-after restoration feature if there were problems. Seems counterproductive. Anyway, I am now hesitant to buy it until I get some more critiques from Ginger and others. The packaging of the DVD looks quite nice though.
I might add that most of the restored films in my collection have been very well done, so I can't understand why this one is faulty.
Re: Re: Re: Re: ALAS. after having viewed the whole film on the new DVD.....pity!I have a serious cr
I've watched the first 50 minutes of the WASIMH dvd and so far haven't encounterd any problems at all. It's a beautiful quality picture.. so far...Phillipe, when did the film start giving you problems?...I'm just at the part where the plane crashes.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ALAS. after having viewed the whole film on the new DVD.....pity!I have a seriou
Here follows a list of scenes which feature an obvious lesser image quality on my "With a song in my heart " official Fox DVD:
-last 15 seconds of the "Audition" scene: color changes and lesser qualiti of image definition (less shrpness)
-last minute of scene with Jane and Ron in theur aappartment with Susan in blue ensemble (about 28/29 minutes into the film) : loss of sharpness/definition and color.
-Susan/Jane singing the first notes of "the right kind" in her green decolleté shirt with Don accompanying her in her dressing room.....: color fades again and definition /sharpness too.
-Susan/Jane coming back from stage after performing the song : for about one minute again,images lose color and definition quality
-the whole segmeny of Susan and R.Wagner in "two for tea" at about 1 hour 28 minutes into the movie is totally unfocused,no sharpness,and it lasts about 2 minutes
-Next is Susan/Jane 's anouncement by USO camp director at about 1 hour 33 minutes into the film: totally unsharp /unfocused image for about 30 seconds
-Last is firs part of song "they 're either to young or too old": bad colors,lesser definition...compared with second part which is much better.
I have compared with anothe copy and I found the same mistakes....
Also I compared with the restored DVD version of "the Snows of kilimanjaro' issued by Fox earlier this year and the digital transfer from "Snows" is much better...
Don't get me wrong,I am quite happy with the DVD but i do not understand that FOX after all these years of waiting to release the DVD of "Song " did not come out with a perfect difgital transfer/DVD of such a beautiful classic.