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The Jane Froman Documentary/With A Song In My Heart DVD
So far, I've only watched the Jane Froman documentary, a part of the special features. It is an excellent biography, put together in somewhat the same fashion as A&E biography shows. A couple of the people who spoke on the biography were people I had met at previous Jane Froman reunions in Columbia, Missouri. One of them is Ilene Stone, who has authored a fairly recent book about Jane Froman, and another is Carole Kennedy, who knew Jane in Columbia, Missouri. Carole began as a fan and became a friend of Jane's.
The biography is also narrated by Valerie Lemon, who has an album out in which she sings Jane Froman songs. She also had done a cabaret show of Jane Froman numbers of which you can see part of on youtube. Just type in "Valerie Lemon, Jane Froman".
During the documentary they flash to excerpts from the film with Susan starring as Jane. It is all very well done and this dvd is long past due coming out!