Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! There's something about Thanksgiving that always makes me want to watch "Back Street."!!! I think it must be because of that scene in the film where Susan/Rae calls home for Thanksgiving and cries because she is alone and misses her family. I think I'll hunt down my copy of "Back Street" and watch it this week-end!
I hope you all have a lovely day and although the holiday is uniquely American, the sentiment is for everyone, everywhere!
I feel like I have so much to be thankful for these days. The older I get the more I appreciate life and my blessings. It's really mentally healthy to be grateful. Sometimes I have to work at it, but it always pays off when I can get to the "place" of being thankful. Thanksgiving Day is just a day where we all can really reflect. I'm glad we set aside that day even though most of us spend it eating big meals and watching football, and then crashing from being full and bleary-eyed. Still, the basic concept is there before THANKFUL!
I think the real place to get is when we can be thankful in all situations. That must be at the highest level of our growth as human beings. I haven't gotten there yet, but I keep working at it.
I'm thankful for all of you and for a place here on the world wide web to discuss our favorite lady. It's nice to have found a group of friends who share that common bond.