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No further comments on quality DVD of "With a song in my heart"
No more comments anyone on the quality of the transfer of the movie on DVD?
Maybe Fox did not find a better original print to work on ...but compared to other technicolor classic films I have on DVD ( form instance other Susan's fox titles "David and Batsheba" and "the snows of Kilimanjaro" i keep finding the digital quality of the official "song" average....
Also it is a pity they did not ad coverage of the film premiere and no extra short clips at all on on the brilliant Warner DVD of "I'll cry tomorrow".
Susan made a mint for Fox in the fifties but the staff of 2007 there does not seem to care about her a lot....
I hope that i am wrong and that they will release other Susan's titles on DVD during 2008 with hopefully a DVD boxset of 4/5 of her movies and why not ..a new documentary about her.
On by the way they have been listing for months 3 titles of her movies to show up on DVD with ISBN numbers atributed:
"I can get it for you wholesle","Untamed" and "Mariage go round".....Up to now no concrete release date...but the 3 movies are from Fox....
Re: No further comments on quality DVD of "With a song in my heart"
I'll admit.. I've only watched the first 45 minutes of WASIMH.. just been busy I guess, but I was fine with the first 45 minutes... I probably don't have as good as an eye as you do. I'm so happy to have it on DVD! I did notice that the sound/lip sync is very good on mine.. it's not so good on my copy of "I Want To Live.".. I haven't watched ICT yet. Yes, I think more "extras" about Susan should have been on the WASIMH dvd..the "extra/s" centered around Jane Froman, which is fine, but Susan should have been spotlighted more.
I think, from what Jill said, Susan is given good featured attention on ICT.
Re: Re: No further comments on quality DVD of "With a song in my heart"
I would love to see a new documentary on Susan. TCM usually makes great ones. I know Robert Osborne interviewed Susan later in her life and her responses were so honest. He tape recorded the interview. They can easily stick that audio in a new documentary.
That would be so cool. She deserves more than one documentary. Don't you think?
Re: Re: Re: No further comments on quality DVD of "With a song in my heart"
Yes, Christina, she deserves more bio's and/or documentaries. They do some really great bios on TCM. I'd love to see them do one on Susan and if Robert Osborne still has his audio of his interview with Susan, that would be really wonderful to be able to hear.