Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Yes there are often scenarios where the two intersect at times. Perhaps the early 60's film " Stolen Hours" in which Susan plays a woman with a brain tumour that was either inoperable ( or failed to to respond to an operation) is another example.
I guess many cases abound, but unfortunately all those I can recall tend to be dark and tragic examples.Whether anyone has ever played, say a disabled athlete who wins a trophy, then goes on in real life to do so or similar, I can't recall.
I remember reading soon after the success of "Rosemary's Baby" that Polanski had said that he was a bemused sceptic who did not believe that contemporary Satanism could exist outside the pages of a screenplay or a book.
In less than a year from that comment, Sharon Tate and the household had been murdered by deluded killers obeying the command of someone who labelled himself as the Antichrist.
I recall the film "Poltergeist" and the little girl who starred in it died not too long afterwards. I can't remember her name or the cause. Also, the teenage girl who starred in it ( Dominique Dunne..sp?)
Her father is Dominick Dunne, the writer--not sure I'm spelling their first names correctly) was murdered by her boyfriend. Her father attended the tril and I believe that he wrote a book about it or at least I know that he comments a lot about the murder on talk shows.. i.e. Larry King, and Court TV. It seems bad luck follows some of the so-called Satanic like films...I believe there were some weird happens on the set of "The Exorcist" if I recall correctly.