Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Check out the above link which is my myspace page. I'm leaving the song that is playing on there for a few days. It's called "Lucy" written and performed by
Andy Barker,Susan's grandson. I think it is a terrific song. You might have a little trouble loading the page since I have too much stuff on there, but probably the song will come through. Let me know if you have any problems, maybe I can help. If the song doesn't start immediatetly, go to the player on the left and click the play button.
Andy and his brother, Daniel, and their Warm In The Wake band are so great. Daniel is outstanding at keyboard and I'll try to post an individual song or two of his a little later on.
BTW, Nadia Barker, Susan's granddaughter is sooooooooo creative. She is an interior designer and I've seen some slide shows of her work. I'll try to get them posted later.
The apples don't fall too far from the tree do they?
Andy has said that his grandmother is "why I'm on the stage."
Susan has left quite a legacy not only in her work in films but in her family also.